Samyak's Nook


When I was a little kid
I so wish that I knew
That being myself isn’t cakewalk
But not that shabby too

That everyone’s who nice to me
Might not be my best friend
And anyone who’s fucking rude
Isn’t Satan from hell’s end

That every blonde is not that dumb
That every baniya isn’t smart
That someone who’s great at numbers
Might be just as good with art

And all that my friends post, say and do
Wasn’t the highlight of their lives
And the best moments from their trip
Were not meant for our eyes

GPT's great at knowing things
But can’t convey that well
The thrill, the chill, the high and shrill
The things that make eyes well

But I don’t know, I’m still a kid
Or so I feel at twenty three
How sure will I be, growing up
Umm, well, idk, we’ll see…